Woodlawn Cemetery Tour – Remembering our Pioneers

Woodlawn Cemetery, located on Dixie Highway across from the Norton Museum, is the

Woodlawn Cemetery at Dusk

Woodlawn Cemetery at Dusk

resting place of some of Palm Beach County’s most prominent pioneers. With Janet DeVries, I had the great pleasure of sharing some pioneer tales with about 250 people on Wednesday night for our inaugural tour. It was wonderful to see such interest in our local history, and the enthusiasm of those present for an evening tour.

Woodlawn Cemetery was developed by Henry M. Flagler in 1905 on an old pineapple field and first served as a place to stroll with its fine landscaping and pathways. It replaced an older cemetery that was located across the street (Lakeside Cemetery) where the Norton museum buildings are now located. About 40 people remain interred under those buildings.

People ready for the tour

People ready for the tour

Our first tour featured the stories of 22 pioneers, citing their triumphs and tragedies that are life. Donations were received, and those monies will be donated to the Woodlawn Foundation for restoration and improvement of the cemtery grounds.

Look for announcements of future tour dates from the city of West Palm Beach websites.

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