
Old postcard

This blog is written by Ginger Pedersen, a Palm Beach County native and history buff. The Pedersen family has been in Palm Beach County since 1950, and created and operated the Africa USA tourist attraction from 1953-1961.

The purpose of this blog is to provide insight into a time past and largely forgotten – a time when South Florida was a vast wildnerness and true paradise. Some small gems exist to this day of cookie-cutter developments on dregded lakes.

If you have an interesting story to share, please leave a comment on the blog.

Happy reading!


11 Responses to About

  1. The Civil War Round Table of Palm Beach County would like to announce that it has recently established its home on the Internet at: http://www.CivilWarRoundTablePalmBeach.org We would appreciate it if you could place a link to our site on your own links page. If you would like to know more about us the next paragraph gives you a little background.
    The Civil War Round Table of Palm Beach County was established in 1987 to promote the education and understanding of the history of the American Civil War. We support efforts to preserve and restore the sites related to that war. Our meetings are held monthly on the second Wednesday at 7:00 PM at the American Polish Club, 4725 Lake Worth Road, Lake Worth, Florida. At these meetings we have speakers who are our members or are experts on some aspect of the Civil War.

  2. Bruce Lautenschlager says:

    Fascinating reading. I’ve always loved Florida history, and your material is unique and comprehensive. I’m a native of Boynton Beach – my parents moved here full time in the 1950’s, and as a boy I used to ride my bicycle into Lake Boynton Estates, but never knew the history or even what the lone remaining gate was about until I read about it on your website today. As a sheriff’s deputy I would drive around at night and explore many of the undeveloped or “lost” areas in south county – Old Military Trail, the abandoned trailer park and houses sitting east of what was the Delray Swap Shop, etc. – your web site has brought back all those fond memories.

    Thank you very much for your work.

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

  3. Gordon Lopez says:

    While digging in the back to put in a garden I brought up a Boutwell milk jar undamaged and whats left of a pepsi cola bottle tan and red logo.

    Wonder what else is lurking back there?

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

    • Ginger L. Pedersen says:

      You should dig more! Many times people buried garbage rather than pay for pickup. Glass is great because it does not break down. Old bottles like these can be worth quite a bit!

  4. Nancy Pullum says:

    This blog is outstanding! Your work is so valuable and I do so wish it could be more widely circulated. I am curious to know if you have ever done any research on Currie Park. I have always heard that there are deed restrictions on the property donated by George Graham Currie to the City of WPB. Anything you might know and wish to share would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Dr. Pedersen, let me join the others in applauding this blog which I recently discovered. It is like “Atlas Obscura” except just for WPB. I set up an RSS feed and I look forward to reading about our community.

    I am a lawyer in town researching for a book on the inquest trial and suicide of George De Mohrenschildt, who unfortunately committed suicide in 1977 in Palm Beach. He was a witness sought by the House Select Committee in order to testify about the JFK assassination. I was wondering if you had any information about the inquest trial, his death, and/or the Tilton House over on Palm Beach. I am also trying to find some of the witnesses and jurors. You (or anyone else who might read this post) can reach me via my website http://www.hopkins.law. Thanks, I look forward to taking the cemetery tour.

  6. Lynn Desy says:

    I am writing a book about local history and genealogy and I wondered if I might have your permission to use the information and photos about Reverend Elbridge Gale. I think your web page is outstanding and I am so very happy to see this history recorded accessibly!

  7. Lynn Desy says:

    In your list of West Palm Beach Post Masters, I do not see any name listed from 1939 through 1962. Did Oliver Carr serve from 1934 through 1962? I have a census showing Anna Nelms as a “post mistress” in 1940. As defined, this means she was in charge of a post office. I am not certain if it was West Palm Beach or Palm Beach, but she moved to West Palm Beach after leaving her postal service job at Riviera Beach – to be closer to her new job at the “main” post office in West Palm Beach. I believe that she retired as “chief accountant” in 1964. Can you help to shed any light on this subject? Thank you!

  8. Lana says:

    Hello! So happy to have found your blog. I’m doing research in my home (1925 we presume) and have come across some very interesting things. I wanted to share, but can’t find your contact information. I would really appreciate the opportunity to share what I know with you.

  9. Hi Ginger, my name is John Thomason, with Boca magazine. I’m planning a history feature in our summer issue on Africa USA—how it started, its impact and its legacy in Boca Raton. I’d like to schedule an interview with you to discuss all of these aspects, but I could not find a direct email or phone number for you, and the main number at PBSC seems like it has been disconnected. I hope you are able to see this message and can reach out. My number is 954-261-1677, and my email is john.thomason@bocamag.com. Thank you!

  10. Catherine Patterson says:

    Hi Ginger
    I have an old abstract of title having to do with Lots 106 and 107 in Tradewinds Estates, which was given up by Boynton Beach in 1931. Just leafing through it I see entries dating back to 1917. Let me know if you are interested in having it for historical purposes. Cathy Patterson pattersoncatherine45@gmail.com

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