Woodlawn Tours

Moonlight Cemetery Tours of Woodlawn Cemetery are  conducted by Janet DeVries and Ginger Pedersen, authors of “Pioneering Palm Beach: The Deweys and the South Florida Frontier ” and “Legendary Locals of West Palm Beach.”

Woodlawn Cemetery at Dusk

Woodlawn Cemetery at Dusk

Tours are limited to 50 guests, and a $5.00 donation is appreciated and will be used to help restore the historic cemetery. The tour will cover some of the most prominent pioneer families who arrived in the area more than 100 years ago.

EventBrite Sign up page – https://www.eventbrite.com/o/city-of-west-palm-beach-parks-recreation-27204714235


PLEASE BRING: A flashlight, bug repellent, water (there are no facilities on-site).

PLEASE WEAR: Closed-toed shoes such as sneakers

LOCATION: 1500 South Dixie Highway, across from the Norton Gallery. Parking is available on-site inside cemetery gates on the north side.

Rain Policy: If rain occurs on the night scheduled, the tour will be held the following evening. If it rains on the next night also, the tour will be cancelled for that month.


Sponsored by the City of West Palm Beach – Historic Preservation Program and the Parks and Recreation Division.


9 Responses to Woodlawn Tours

  1. Gail says:

    Are you running any tours in the summer months (2015)?

  2. Jen Galardi says:

    When is the next full moon tour?
    Thank you,
    Jen Galardi

  3. Marlen LaBianco says:

    Attended the Woodlawn Cemetery tour last night and it was fantastic! The ladies were wonderfully entertaining and full of interesting details about the inhabitants. I hope to attend a few more times!

  4. My grandfather John Hatcher and my grandmother Pearl are buried there, beside them is my uncle david. Not sure if you guys know about John, he developed the Hatcher mango and had a grove on hypoluxo road which is still in operation. Just thought you might want to know.

  5. Cindy says:

    when will you start to have the full moon cemetery tours again? Sounds very interesting!

  6. Donna says:

    My friend and I just drove through the cemetery today and were fascinated by so many of the names we recognized in our Palm Beach history. Will you be having these tours in the Fall of 2017? We would enjoy it!
    My friend made a suggestion that you also offer smaller tours for a bit more money in an open trolley type vehicle. For me, both ways sound terrific. Hope to see you soon.

  7. Donna says:

    will the tours start up again in Fall 2017 . I am very interested in attending.

  8. Ruth Peeples says:

    I have reservations for the Woodlawn cemetery tour tomorrow night which I would like to cancel. The names are Ruth Peeples and Judith Garrard.

  9. Mary says:

    Will there be a monthly Woodlawn Cemetery tour in February, March, and April 2018?b Recently I discovered that my great-grandparents and at least five other relatives are buried at Woodlawn.

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